For Dealers
Tools to Support Your Business
DIRECTED is invested in the success of our dealers, so we provide online tools that make partnering with DIRECTED simple and effective.
DIRECTED is proud to support its dealers with one of the industry’s most comprehensive and dealer-friendly web portals, DirectedDealers.com. We want our dealers to be successful, and DirectedDealers.com offers many useful tools, including online order processing.
DIRECTED dealers know that DirectedDealers.com is a destination specifically designed for their needs.
Launch DirectedDealers.comDirectedDealers.com Features
Order Processing
Easily browse hundreds of DIRECTED products, and conveniently submit orders using a credit card or the terms on your DIRECTED account.
Warranty Processing
Using the online warranty return system will immediately provide you with an RMA number to help process and track your return.
Shipping Status and Tracking
See when your order is expected to ship, has shipped, and link to tracking information directly from the carrier.
Purchase History
Find individual transactions, such as orders and payments, and view a summary report of purchases by category and time period.
Catalogs and Brochures
Download high quality versions of our catalogs and brochures to learn more about DIRECTED products, and display in your stores.
High-Rez Downloadable Graphic Assets
DIRECTED encourages dealers to advertise locally, and makes these downloadable high-resolution images available for that purpose.
Price Sheets and Forms
All the documents you need, including Price Sheets, Credit Card Authorization, Displays, RMA, Employee Purchase, and more.
Important Contact Info
Quick reference to contact information for your DIRECTED Sales Professional, AR Representative, Customer Service, and Technical Support.
Still need help with your account?
While DirectedDealers.com has the tools you need to manage your account, please contact us if you have a question or need assistance.
Contact Us